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  • Congratulations to Jason Miles whose first-author manuscript, Exploring the sensitivity in jellyfish locomotion under variations in scale, frequency, and duty cycle, was just accepted into the Journal of Mathematical Biology! Check it out here!

  • Congratulations to Tierney Baldwin whose first-author manuscript, Hopscotching Jellyfish: combining different duty cycle kinematics can lead to enhanced performance, was just accepted into the journal Bioinspiration & Biomimetics! Check-it-out-here! 

  • Lana's research featured on TCNJ website: Check-it-out-here!

  • September 14, 2021: Come check out some members of the lab present at the MUSE Poster Sessions! We will be showcasing 2 on-going projects!

                  Lana Abdelmohsen: How much can neural networks learn about jellyfish?

                  Kendra Ebke: When it is good to be out of sync: copepod and marine snow interactions

  • Welcome to the lab, Kendra Ebke and Lana Abdelmohsen! 
    Kendra is creating mathematical models involving marine snow dynamics and Lana is developing machine learning tools for studying fluid-structure interaction locomotion models.

  • Congratulations to Tierney Baldwin who gave a phenomenal Math & Stats Honors Thesis presentation. Tierney's thesis was titled "Sifting through Siphonophore Swimming: Studying Nectophore Offset Synchronizations

  • Congratulations to Miruna Baciu who gave a fantastic talk titled, "To Toss Away or Not Toss Away" at the Spring 2021 MAA-NJ Meeting!

  • Tierney Baldwin's preprint for her first scientific paper is out: Hopscotching Jellyfish: combining different duty cycle kinematics can lead to enhanced swimming performance - Check it out!

  • Honored that one of our images was featured as the cover of SIAM Review Volume 63. It's from our manuscript "Fluid-Structure Interaction for the Classroom: Interpolations, Hearts, and Swimming!" that was in this issue! Check it out!

  • You can run this exact simulation (and the others from this manuscript) from our open-source immersed boundary software, IB2d -> here!

  • Simulations ran with MATLAB; data visualized in the open-source VisIt software

  • Other Valentine's Day related simulations created by our group can be found on this site here!

** Big thanks for Dr. Matt Mizuhara for making us aware of this! **

  • Tierney Baldwin's, Rose Pereira's, and Zain Moin's ELSA (HPC) usage by in 2020 for fluid-structure interaction simulations:

  • Tierney Baldwin and Zain Moin presented at SACNAS 2020Check out their  short teaser videos below! Congrats to Tierney and Zain for delivering great presentation

  • Welcome to the lab Eileen Yizzi and Lilly Hoffman!
    They will creating a kinematic mathematical model of a lionsmane jellyfish that will be integrated into the IB2d library!

Math & Stats

© 2024 by Nicholas A. Battista

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