Congratulations to Jason Miles whose first-author manuscript, Exploring the sensitivity in jellyfish locomotion under variations in scale, frequency, and duty cycle, was just accepted into the Journal of Mathematical Biology! Check it out here!

Congratulations to Tierney Baldwin whose first-author manuscript, Hopscotching Jellyfish: combining different duty cycle kinematics can lead to enhanced performance, was just accepted into the journal Bioinspiration & Biomimetics! Check-it-out-here!

Lana's research featured on TCNJ website: Check-it-out-here!
September 14, 2021: Come check out some members of the lab present at the MUSE Poster Sessions! We will be showcasing 2 on-going projects!
Lana Abdelmohsen: How much can neural networks learn about jellyfish?
Kendra Ebke: When it is good to be out of sync: copepod and marine snow interactions

Welcome to the lab, Kendra Ebke and Lana Abdelmohsen!
Kendra is creating mathematical models involving marine snow dynamics and Lana is developing machine learning tools for studying fluid-structure interaction locomotion models.
Congratulations to Tierney Baldwin who gave a phenomenal Math & Stats Honors Thesis presentation. Tierney's thesis was titled "Sifting through Siphonophore Swimming: Studying Nectophore Offset Synchronizations"

Congratulations to Miruna Baciu who gave a fantastic talk titled, "To Toss Away or Not Toss Away" at the Spring 2021 MAA-NJ Meeting!

Tierney Baldwin's preprint for her first scientific paper is out: Hopscotching Jellyfish: combining different duty cycle kinematics can lead to enhanced swimming performance - Check it out!
Honored that one of our images was featured as the cover of SIAM Review Volume 63. It's from our manuscript "Fluid-Structure Interaction for the Classroom: Interpolations, Hearts, and Swimming!" that was in this issue! Check it out!

You can run this exact simulation (and the others from this manuscript) from our open-source immersed boundary software, IB2d -> here!
Simulations ran with MATLAB; data visualized in the open-source VisIt software.
Other Valentine's Day related simulations created by our group can be found on this site here!
** Big thanks for Dr. Matt Mizuhara for making us aware of this! **
Tierney Baldwin's, Rose Pereira's, and Zain Moin's ELSA (HPC) usage by in 2020 for fluid-structure interaction simulations:

Tierney Baldwin and Zain Moin presented at SACNAS 2020! Check out their short teaser videos below! Congrats to Tierney and Zain for delivering great presentation
Welcome to the lab Eileen Yizzi and Lilly Hoffman!
They will creating a kinematic mathematical model of a lionsmane jellyfish that will be integrated into the IB2d library!