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  • Jason Miles second manuscript, "Naut Your Everyday Jellyfish Model: Exploring How Tentacles and Oral Arms Impact Locomotion" was accepted and published in Fluids 4(3): 169 (2019)! Congrats, Jason! Check it out!

  • In summer 2019, I helped instruct the Google AMLI Course at Agnes Scott College in Decatur, GA along with Dr. Rachel Rossetti (Dr. R's site). As part of the intense 10 week (40 hour/week) course, the students worked on an immersive 5 week machine learning project. Check out some of the fantastic projects they produced here!

  • Graduation 2019! Congratulations to all TCNJ Graduates and lab member Jason Miles!


  • May 8, 2019: Come check out the lab group present at the Celebration of Student Achievement (COSA) at TCNJ! We will be showcasing 3 on-going projects!

    Chris Jakuback: Try to weigh me down: testing the limits of jellyfish jet propulsion
    Jason Miles: Naut your everyday jellyfish
    Michael Mongelli: SWISH Motion! Dynamics of Pendulums in Fluid Media




  • April 21, 2019: Jason Miles 1st first-authored paper appears on the arXiv. It's on jellyfish locomotion!  Check it out: Don't be Jelly: Exploring Effective Jellyfish Locomotion

  • April 13, 2019: Jason Miles wins Best Talk Award at the MAA-NJ Garden State Mathematics Meeting! Congrats, Jason! His talk was titled Naut your everyday jellyfish.


  • April 9, 2019: Nick's collaborative work on modeling the prescription opioid crisis with Leigh Pearcy (Ph.D. student) and  Dr. Christopher Strickland (UTK) is accepted into the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. Check it out! 

  • April 1, 2019: Nick gives a talk on jellyfish locomotion at the Joint Haverford/Bryn Mawr Mathematics Seminar featuring the work of undergraduates Jason Miles and Chris Jakuback!

  • March, 2019: Erin Haus gets accepted into the TECBIO REU Program at the University of Pittsburgh! Congrats, Erin!

  • March, 2019: Nick integrates by parts underwater on one of his dives in the Cayman Islands along side scientists/friends Laura Miller (UNC-CH), Katie Newhall (UNC-CH), and Christoper Strickland (UTK, trip photographer)


  • February 26, 2019: TCNJ Colleague Dr. Matt Mizuhara and Nick are featured on Skype A Scientist! (link:


  • February 23, 2019: Collaborative work on innovative ways to teach convergence with fellow TCNJ colleague Dr. Matt Mizuhara appears on the arXiv: Fluid-Structure for the Classroom! Speed, Accuracy, Convergence, and Jellyfish!

  • January 18, 2019: Collaborative work on the fluid dynamics of trabeculation during heart development with Dylan Douglas (UNC-CH), Andrea Lane (former uGrad at UNC-CH, now Emory PhD student), Dr. Leigh Ann Samsa, Dr. Jiandong Liu (UNC-CH), and Dr. Laura Miller (UNC-CH) is accepted in the Journal of Cardiovascular Disease and Development. Check it out: Vortex Dynamics in Trabeculated Embryonic Ventricles

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"Jellyfish w/ Tentacles/Oral Arms!"

Simulation by:

Jason Miles, Undergraduate Math Major, TCNJ

IB2d simulation of a jellyfish with tentacles and oral arms by Jason Miles. Check out the paper: J.G. Miles, N.A. Battista, "Naut Your Everyday Jellyfish Model: Exploring How Tentacles and Oral Arms Impact Locomotion"  Fluids 4(3): 169 (2019) Check it out! 


(Image Credit: Gem Perkins, SoS TCNJ)

Math & Stats

© 2025 by Nicholas A. Battista

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