Jason Miles second manuscript, "Naut Your Everyday Jellyfish Model: Exploring How Tentacles and Oral Arms Impact Locomotion" was accepted and published in Fluids 4(3): 169 (2019)! Congrats, Jason! Check it out!
In summer 2019, I helped instruct the Google AMLI Course at Agnes Scott College in Decatur, GA along with Dr. Rachel Rossetti (Dr. R's site). As part of the intense 10 week (40 hour/week) course, the students worked on an immersive 5 week machine learning project. Check out some of the fantastic projects they produced here!
Graduation 2019! Congratulations to all TCNJ Graduates and lab member Jason Miles!
May 8, 2019: Come check out the lab group present at the Celebration of Student Achievement (COSA) at TCNJ! We will be showcasing 3 on-going projects!
Chris Jakuback: Try to weigh me down: testing the limits of jellyfish jet propulsion
Jason Miles: Naut your everyday jellyfish
Michael Mongelli: SWISH Motion! Dynamics of Pendulums in Fluid Media
April 21, 2019: Jason Miles 1st first-authored paper appears on the arXiv. It's on jellyfish locomotion! Check it out: Don't be Jelly: Exploring Effective Jellyfish Locomotion
April 13, 2019: Jason Miles wins Best Talk Award at the MAA-NJ Garden State Mathematics Meeting! Congrats, Jason! His talk was titled Naut your everyday jellyfish.
April 9, 2019: Nick's collaborative work on modeling the prescription opioid crisis with Leigh Pearcy (Ph.D. student) and Dr. Christopher Strickland (UTK) is accepted into the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. Check it out!
April 1, 2019: Nick gives a talk on jellyfish locomotion at the Joint Haverford/Bryn Mawr Mathematics Seminar featuring the work of undergraduates Jason Miles and Chris Jakuback!
March, 2019: Erin Haus gets accepted into the TECBIO REU Program at the University of Pittsburgh! Congrats, Erin!
March, 2019: Nick integrates by parts underwater on one of his dives in the Cayman Islands along side scientists/friends Laura Miller (UNC-CH), Katie Newhall (UNC-CH), and Christoper Strickland (UTK, trip photographer)
February 26, 2019: TCNJ Colleague Dr. Matt Mizuhara and Nick are featured on Skype A Scientist! (link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0z_imYF0fc)
February 23, 2019: Collaborative work on innovative ways to teach convergence with fellow TCNJ colleague Dr. Matt Mizuhara appears on the arXiv: Fluid-Structure for the Classroom! Speed, Accuracy, Convergence, and Jellyfish!
January 18, 2019: Collaborative work on the fluid dynamics of trabeculation during heart development with Dylan Douglas (UNC-CH), Andrea Lane (former uGrad at UNC-CH, now Emory PhD student), Dr. Leigh Ann Samsa, Dr. Jiandong Liu (UNC-CH), and Dr. Laura Miller (UNC-CH) is accepted in the Journal of Cardiovascular Disease and Development. Check it out: Vortex Dynamics in Trabeculated Embryonic Ventricles.

"Jellyfish w/ Tentacles/Oral Arms!"
Simulation by:
Jason Miles, Undergraduate Math Major, TCNJ
IB2d simulation of a jellyfish with tentacles and oral arms by Jason Miles. Check out the paper: J.G. Miles, N.A. Battista, "Naut Your Everyday Jellyfish Model: Exploring How Tentacles and Oral Arms Impact Locomotion" Fluids 4(3): 169 (2019) Check it out!

(Image Credit: Gem Perkins, SoS TCNJ)