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IB2d Valentine's Day Simulations!
Valentine's Day 2025
Fish, jellyfish, tomopterids, hearts, and letters spinning round and round!
Hearts, fish, jellyfish, tomopterids and TCNJ geometry
Fluid vorticity
Hearts, jellyfish, and fish simulations created or performed by Kendra Ebke and Anna Dorval during MUSE 2021 and MUSE 2022 respectively, and Manasvi Mamilla.
Valentine's Day 2024
Changing it up --> using our software suite-CFD instead of IB2d for this year's valentine!
Fluid vorticity
Valentine's Day 2023
Jellyfish and multiple spinning/contracting hearts going round and round!
Hearts, Jellyfish, and TCNJ geometry
Fluid vorticity
Hearts and Jellyfish simulations created or performed by Kendra Ebke and Anna Dorval during MUSE 2021 and MUSE 2022 respectively.
Valentine's Day 2022
Multiple Spinning/Contracting/Expanding hearts!
Hearts and TCNJ geometry
Fluid vorticity and a few of its contours
Simulation is based off of a simulation created by Kendra Ebke during MUSE 2021.
Valentine's Day 2021
A very Star Wars and Star Trek inspired simulation - colliding vortex rings cause a small blob to explode into a heart!
Hearts and TCNJ geometry
The colormap and contours represent Lagrangian Coherent Structures (via finite-time Lyapunov exponents approximations)
Valentine's Day 2020
Multiple concentric hearts pulsing and pushing fluid past TCNJ! Each heart is interpolated between two different geometries. The hole in the heart allows more fluid to get "pumped out" and "pumped in".
Heart and TCNJ geometry
The fluid's vorticity
Concentric heart pulsing! Mathematically interpolating each heart between two different geometries. The hole in the heart allows more fluid to get "pumped out" and "pumped in".
Heart geometry
The fluid's velocity vector field
The fluid's vorticity
Valentine's Day 2019
Valentine's Day 2018
The first Valentine's Day simulation - a pulsing heart!
Mathematically interpolating between two different size hearts. The hole in the heart allows more fluid to get "pumped out" and "pumped in".
Heart geometry
The fluid's velocity vector field
The fluid's vorticity
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