My goals as an instructor are to help my students build confidence in creative problem solving, develop grit, cultivate a growth mindset, and inspire curiosity. I use numerous active learning strategies to foster an inclusive, equitable classroom environment, which promotes collaboration and encourages students to explore the course topics in meaningful way that empowers their own learning. I want to challenge my students, while at the same time providing them the necessary support, built-in course structures, and opportunities to learn from engaging with the material and making mistakes.
To help my students more thoroughly engage with the material, I regularly write computer codes/simulations for class demonstrations, e.g., to help students visualize different concepts, as well as create supplemental videos (see my YouTube channel).
From 2020-2022, I was apart of a HHMI Funded effort to help redesign our foundational courses in the School of Science. Specifically, Dr. Karen Clark and I focused on redesigning Calculus B.

Previous courses taught
MAT125: Calculus for Business and the Social Sciences
MAT128: Calculus B
MAT 270: Introduction to Computing
MAT 292: Topics in Computational Mathematics
MTT 299: Internship in Mathematics Education
MTT 300: Learning Assistant in Math Education
MAT 330: Mathematical Biology
BIO 330: Mathematical Biology
MAT 331: Numerical Analysis
MAT 341: Computational Mathematics
MAT 393: Independent Research in Mathematics I
MAT 493: Independent Research in Mathematics II
MAT 498: Applied Mathematics Capstone
Agnes Scott College: Summer 2019
I was a visiting assistant professor in Machine Learning and Data Science during Summer 2019
Applied Machine Learning Intensive (Google ML Education)
Hosted at Agnes Scott College
Open-Source Online Resources: LINK
Student outcomes: LINK
UNC-CH: as a graduate student
MATH 119: Introduction to Math Modeling
MATH 120: Precalculus
Stony Brook University: as a graduate student
AMS 161: Applied Calculus II
AMS 361: Applied Calculus IV: Differential Equations
Using Fast-Fourier Transforms to trace complex curves!
Using simulations to explore fair redistricting
Solving mazes with fluid dynamics!
Visualizing how an algorithm may identify different critical points based on initial guesses
Visualizing a non-gradient based optimization scheme that is based solely on geometry and logic!
Introducing a simplified model for neuron dynamics (bonus video for interested student from MAT/BIO330: Mathematical Biology in Fall 2020)
North Carolina Science Expo: K-12 outreach through fluid dynamics demonstrations at the (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017)
Volunteer at the Museum of Life and Science in Durham, NC (2013)
Guest judge at the North Carolina State Science Fair for K-12 students (2014)
Volunteer at NC Science Days at Northside Elementary School (2014)
Two-term President of the Graduate Mathematics Association (GMA) at UNC-CH (2014-2016)
RIT/Stony Brook:
Gave an annual presentation at local high schools entitled, “What is Calculus Good For?!?” (2008, 2009, 2010, 2011)
Skype a Scientist (February 2019): <LINK!>
Guest Mathematician for Project IRL at Bergen County Technical High School (2023)
Fluid Dynamics Education Symposium: APS-DFD (2018)
Guest judge at a Science Competition at Hightstown High School in NJ (2018)
We would LOVE to come to your class or event to chat about our science, what being a scientist or mathematician is like, or careers in science and mathematics! Please contact Nick! (battistn[at]tcnj[.]edu)

Outreach (local schools)

Screenshot from Skype a Scientist
From NC Science Expo 2015